Entry #1 Blogs, Do I like them?

I've never read a blog before. Maybe I stumbled past one looking for something, but never intentionally have I went looking for blogs. Along this journey in looking at all kinds of blogs I found some, that have caught my eyes. I did learn however I seem to enjoy personal blogs more, then business or serious blogs. When I think of blogs I think of opinions, cooking recipes, and travel guides, topics I can relate too ! I really enjoy random humorous blogs, for example this blog, I'll link below, is called "Dog Shaming". This blog is about people posting pictures of their dog's with a handwritten note in front of the dog explaining something bad the dog had done. I particularly love animals so this blog was a lot of fun to look at, so if you love fury friends like me, then I'd recommend looking at it! 

 Look how precious 😊

      Dog Shaming


    Along with personal blogs I really enjoy the ones that are informative, but are also casual. For example I will link two blogs I enjoyed looking at, as they were easy to navigate through, and had fun information. The first one is a blog named "Anna Everywhere", which is a blog dedicated to traveling. I love to travel and Anna had a variety of blogs about, how she plans her trips, affords them, and even her favorite travel movies. Along with those there were many other blogs to look at,  giving advice to new travelers, and explaining her past adventures to people who love traveling. The second blog I wanted to mention is a great recipe blog named "Simply Recipes". This blog had lots of sections including "Quick and Easy" recipes, and "buying guides", of all types of recommended kitchen supplies. These different sections make it easy to find what you're looking for and create content for all kinds of cooks. These types of blogs keep me motivated and inspired!

Home - Anna Everywhere

Simply Recipes - Less Stress. More Joy


    I am still very new at blogging and don't know much, but what I don't particularly like in blogs is when they aren't super engaging. Blogs like Dlisted | Gossip, Pop Culture, And Foolery | Page 1, I find sorta boring, as it's just celebrity's news. If you adore celebrity's and everything that goes on in their life, by all means these types of blogs are up your alley, but I just do not have an interest in reading only about rumors and celebrity life. 

    I plan to get better at blogging these next couple of months and really use this to help my reading skills. I also want to read more about the blogs that can help me with certain things, to keep me motivated, and have a better understanding of my interests. 



  1. Hey, Nicole, I like your two blogs choice. They're interesting; I am fond of the food and travel blog and don't like the gossip blog. Informative blogs are the best; they are really helping. I'm not someone who reads blog, but these 2 kind caught my attention. One of the last blogs that I read was Fiona Reilly; she's a photograph and a Chinese food lover. She's only sharing information about China and Australia, contrary to Anna Everywhere, who's traveling everywhere in the world, but it's still exciting.

  2. I also saw the blog about the dogs! I thought it was so cute and so relatable. I have a German shepherd husky and hes pretty much as bad as it gets lol. He could use his own bad dog caption. I've also never read a good blog about recipes ill have to give the one you mentioned a look.


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