Entry #2 A busy week
For this blog I wasn't sure what to talk about, so I thought I'd start off gentle and talk about what my week looks like, maintaining 2 jobs, and going to school. I wanted to talk about the challenges I go through and what motivates me through these busy weeks. My week started off last week on a fine Monday morning, I get up around 7, maybe a little earlier if I take my sisters to school. I have my criminal justice class from 9am to 10:15, and on this Monday I worked from 10:30am to 3pm. On days where I work in the mornings and need to get school work done I will try and get some done before my class. After leaving my 4 and a half hour shift, I usually get around an hour to 2 hour break before heading to my second job. I spend that little time hanging with my boyfriend, and if I don't work we'll spend the rest of the day together as well. Lately I have been working every night except Sunday's due to our shortage of staff up front. I like to value my breaks, since it is the only time I get to relax somedays. During my breaks I will eat and work on school if I need to.
After my break I have to head into my second restaurant job at 5pm and have to close, but I never get out too late. The shift typically ends around 9, it is super short and easy! At this point my boyfriend is asleep, since he has to wake up extra early for work, so I will use the time I have until I go to bed to also work on school work. Of course somedays I will be to tired to do lots of school work, so I'll throw on a show, eat some food, and call it a night.
The next morning I was excited because I had the night off, but still had to work in the morning. I woke up bright and early at 6:30, made some breakfast and headed off to the skatepark. The weather was getting cooler and I was excited to feel the cold, while I wake myself up in the peaceful time of the skatepark. I left the park after about an hour, got home and showered to get ready for work. I went in at 10:30, like I do 4 or 5 days out of the week, and get to leave at 3. When I have the nights off, it means it's time to get school work done, watch movies, or adventure out with my boyfriend.
Last Wednesday was a little different for me as I had a little bit of an accident. I decided to wake up early and go to the skatepark again, but unfortunately after being there for 5-10 minutes I fell super hard on my tailbone and could barely walk. Thankfully my Wednesday criminal justice class was cancelled, so I could rest. The drive home was quite a painful experience, but I tried to rest for the two hours I had before work.
After a my horrible Wednesday, I went to sleep preparing myself for a painful rest of the week as I didn't have my day off till Sunday. I woke up on Thursday not wanting to get out of bed, because once I was out of my bed I was going to be on my feet for the rest of the day. I like taking my time in the morning getting ready as it relaxes me, and organizes me for the day. I worked at both of my jobs, so I got home around 9 ready to start some homework. I was tired from my double, but I kept telling myself "If I don't do this work now I will fall behind, even the smallest amount will help".
Friday was pretty much the exact same as Thursday except I did not have to work in the morning, so I used my time before my boyfriend got off to do some grocery shopping, and relaxation time. I got to hang with my boyfriend a little before I was headed off to work at 4. Weekends are a little longer, since we close later I usually do not get to leave till 10pm. After getting off from a weekend shift I'm exhausted since its the end of my week, but I keep pushing, looking forward to Sunday.
This is it, I can officially say I have tomorrow off, as I can still barely bend and sit down, I'm all types of ready. Saturday's go by the longest, but I usually don't work in the morning, so that's nice as well. My boyfriend gets weekends off so we hang out when I'm off, depending on how much homework I have, depends on what we'll do. After finally completing my shift, starting at 4 or 5pm, I go to bed peacefully ready to spend my day off relaxing. Sunday is the ultimate Homework day, but if I get enough done throughout the week I might be able to go on adventures. This week unfortunately I had a ton of homework, which I probably could've gotten more done then I did earlier in the week, but it felt very nice to be in bed all day. I completed all my work and I'm prepared for class starting back up at 9am sharp tomorrow!
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