A picture Can Say a Lot Entry #9


    I stumbled across this picture and have quite to say about it. I first would like to say I am not a vegetarian but am also not against it at all! I think this picture has great meaning and the way they chose to picture this says a lot. 

    Most people do not think about where their food come from, because they either don't care or it grossest them out. But why does it gross people out? Maybe because it comes from animals who are held in captivity and then cut open for humans to eat. It bothers lots of people because it's a sensitive topic and not the lightest thought. By using a pig holding a gun in this picture, it gives the pig power, something a pig never gets these days. Thousands of pigs are abused and killed daily, just for humans to eat and it's a sad way of life, but it's normal. 

    This ad wants to persuade their audience into becoming vegetarian, by sharing why it's "healthier" for you. Of course, one of the other main reasons is the big pig in the middle of the picture probably thinking "Stop eating me please". However, on top of that the idea is a vegetarian diet is healthier for people rather than a meat diet. It's supposed to make people question, "Should I go vegetarian?"

    Now I'm wondering, is the world capable of going vegetarian? I've thought about going vegetarian myself recently but haven't found the time to be serious about it. I personally don't like any idea that has to do with killing animals but have accepted that it's normal and way too late to stop it. Also, I think rare meat is gross even medium rare, I've always liked my meat medium well, and do not get grossed out by plant-based meat. Because I don't particularly share a love for meat and think I could eat plant-based meat, I don't think it would be terribly hard for me, and I'd be helping animals. However, I am my own person, and the world may be the opposite. I think this ad will persuade lots of people, or at least get people thinking about it, but the world is too deep into meat eating already, it would be pretty much impossible to stop the entire world. 

    Zach states in his article "What Percent of Americans Are Vegetarian?" that "According to a 2018 Gallup poll, 5% of U.S Adults consider themselves to be vegetarian." Based on that study, proves that most of the world does eat meat and would be difficult to persuade all of them, but hopefully inspire most. Learning about what meat does to our body may be important, because maybe it could make someone decide they want to switch over to plant-base because it's simply not worth it anymore. I also think this topic is talked about a lot in today's society, not just for the animal's sake, but the potential risks of meat people are finding out about. 


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