Things to Know About Me
Hello, I am Nicole, your average 19 year old in college who isn't quite sure on everything there is to know about life. I have always struggled with school, specifically the focusing part, however my first year back at school has been great! I have learned how to prioritize and organize my time better these past couple of months and online school has been working out well for me so far. I have two jobs at the moment and thought it would be stressful at first with school, but it's actually pretty decent for now. I stick to one job in the mornings and one job at nights to make it simple for me. Ever since I started college I have had to say goodbye to a lot of my free time and less activities I liked to do, but that is all part of growing up, right? My boyfriend and I built our own little skatepark in an area we found, and love it since it's private and super close. We used to go all the time and spend days off there, but recently we have not been going as much due to our opposite schedules. Something I am trying to pick up is cooking waaay more. I love the idea of cooking and I think it will help me be more motivated, and of course help save money. I found this website for some easy cooking, so if you're in the same boat as me, check it out, and if I end up finding recipes that turn out amazing, of course I will have to share it on here. 40+ Easy Recipes for New Cooks | Kitchn ( I can be social and confident at times, but I can also be the most anti social and insecure person at the same time. My brain sometimes has so many things going on I don't even know what I am feeling, but I am learning how to control it better. I am ALWAYS getting my feelings hurt, overthinking situations, and essentially stressing myself out, but for what? I've recently learned that I cannot make everyone happy, especially at work and some people are just grumpy people who were already having a bad day, and just take anger out on other people. Sometimes I get angry at work or at home, but I am not an angry person at all, so all that anger is just me letting little things get to me. Something that usually always makes me mad is driving. I love driving, but let me tell you, there are some people out there who should not be allowed to drive!
I got into a car accident around a year after getting my license and it wasn't terrible, somebody rear-ended me, and my jeep and I were thankfully fine, but the guy who hit me had to deal with a totaled car. Ever since then I feel scared to drive just because I know some people don't pay attention, and it's frustrating, because if every single person paid attention and drove safely accidents essentially would not happen! Every time I am driving and someone gets to close to me or a speed racer cuts me off, I always assume they're going to hit me and get nervous. On to a topic that makes me happy, is something I truly love and that's animals. I would say my favorite animal is a bird, just because I'm particularly obsessed with all kinds of birds, but I also love reptiles. My favorite birds are flamingos, emus, peacocks, and of course our fellow pigeons. I really don't know what it is that makes me think birds are so cute, but they are and I adore them. I actually own two leopard geckos, they are my little babies that I share with my boyfriend, and I'll insert some pictures of them.

Mr. gecko on the left is my oldest one who is almost 2 and a half, is my sweet one. He crawls into our hands when he want's to "play" and is always calm with us, but stays hidden more when resting. Cheeto on the right is my younger one who will be 2 in December is more rowdy and skittish, but he is very sweet and good at hunting his insects!
My goal is to become more organized and keep track of my focus this year and keep it that way. I am currently studying forensics, which is something I've always been interested in, but I may be curious to explore working with animals. I had an idea to work with animals since I love them so much, but I don't know if there is a field that would be good for me there. I look forward to keep blogging and build my writing skills since that is where I struggle most, but I am ready for a challenge to help me succeed!
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