Blind Spot Mayhem

 Have you ever been driving and all of a sudden you have to slam on your breaks because the person beside you can't look to get over to save their life? Happens to me all the time, especially here in Arizona these drivers are crazyyyy. 

      I wish I was exaggerating when I say I almost get into an accident almost everyday, even on my 10 minute car rides to work. A lot of people do not think about how good their insurance is, because they don't think about getting into accidents often. If you ever have seen the Allstate insurance ads then you should be familiar with specifically the Mayhem ads, and how effective they can be. 

     In this blind spot ad specifically it starts off with Mayhem on the side of a moving car stating "I'm your blind spot", "My job is easy, I block big things." By starting off with this dialogue, He is referring to the blind spot you have while driving and how common it is to get into an accident this way. The ad adds humor by saying his job is "easy", because it really is easy to not see things in that spot, and obviously there's no job for that! He then looks at the lady in the mirror telling her she is good to get over, even though there is a big truck coming. This ad is entertaining to watch, because when have you ever seen someone tell an old lady their good to get over with the intentions of knowing she's going to get hit? Never, but the man is playing the blind spot so he's supposed to stay hidden, and really shows people how careful they need to be. What happens next? Well you guessed it the poor lady hits the truck and boom, an accident.                            

    After the lady's car spins, he states  "So get All state, you can save money and be better protected by mayhem, like me".  The point of this ad is to promote Allstate insurance, so they have to give people a reason to want to buy it. By using himself as the blind spot, it ads humor but allows the audience to think about how easy an accident can happen. Creating them to think, they then will question their insurance and wonder if Allstate really is a better deal. 

    The audience is clear as the ad is promoting insurance, the audience is for anyone old enough to get insurance. By using a car crash as an example, perhaps people who drive a lot daily, will have bigger thoughts on this. I think this ad is very humorous and made me laugh, because I can relate to the ad as people do this to me a lot when I drive daily. This ad also made me think about my insurance, since I've never really looked into it, but starting very soon, I'm going to start having to look for my own !



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