Fresh, the Unfortunate Truth
After watching the first 10 minutes of the film "Freh" I already felt uncomfortable. I spend my days feeding the stray cats, and throwing treats to the local pigeons, so watching people just throw chicks on the floor batch by batch like its nothing made me kind of upset. This film has opened my eyes to what really happens in industrial farms, and it's not okay. I can get over the reason these animals are here because the world isn't just going to give up meat, but why do these conditions have to be so bad?
Parts of the movie that stood out to me most were, of course the showings of the animals being in such close confinement and introducing the farmers who do care about how they treat their animals. The film introduces a man named Joel Salatin who takes care of his farm animals in a better way. He does not feed his cows dead cows like industrial farming, and lets his animals roam free. He even sates that his chickens aren't there just too lay eggs but help the process and is a part of their working team. Joel does not believe in cutting chickens beaks off like industrial farming would, as he uses them to debug the cows. I've learned that the beak on chickens is meant to pick things off like worms and is good for keeping the cows clean as well. Joel treats his animals with respect and creates a better environment for them, creating his own process. He allows time for them to grow and all together the animals are happier.
Another important person in this film is a man named Will Allen, who owns a small 3-acre farm in the city. His farm consists of a variety of greens and grows his own soil from food/water waste, and worms. Will cares about the environment and believes his food tastes the best because he does not put any products in them, as he leaves them fresh. The worms create the best nutrients for the soil and make it strong leaving it the best for the vegetables. His goal is to show people how fresh food can really taste and educate them on where these foods come from. Will even lets people take home their own soil that he has made, for them to try!
The intended audience for this film is everyone, because the topic is about where the food EVERYONE eats comes from. They also talk about fast food and make statements on how you "get what you pay for", and "It's not as cheap as people think" referring to everyone who eats fast food. The reason fast food is so cheap is because the meats most likely cheap and came from places who feed their cows dead cows to make them "grow faster". People don't tend to think about the quality of foods most of the time, and the purpose of this movie was to show that.
The creators of fresh wanted people to think about where their food is actually coming from and educate them that some places do it one way, and others do it a different way. I personally do not agree with the industrial farming and feel disgusted the way they treat those animals and feel something needs to be changed. However, everything about eating animals is sad but is normalized, so we should make it as painless as possible. No matter the different ways, it's important to be educated about the food we put in our mouths daily!
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